Lupita Nyong’o Shares Why She Prefers Short Natural Hair & Make Up Secrets With Glamour

Lupita Nyong'o is a perfect example of making the most of what could be your biggest moment.  She's nabbed yet another spread in a fashion mag –this time with Glamour magazine. And as always, she's killing it! The use of bright, bold colored lipstick, clothes and accessories in this photo spread has us begging for spring to arrive already!
During the interview portion, the Oscar-nominated actress revealed some of her beauty secrets that keep her looking gorgeous every time we see her, as well as why she decided to cut all of her hair off.  She even reveals that she once started a petition at her school and demanded that girls be allowed to wear makeup. What a move!

Peep the highlights:

On makeup:
I went to an all-boys high school, and they accepted girls in only the two A.P. classes. They had these archaic rules: For example, girls couldn't wear makeup. I found it so outrageous that an all-boys school could tell girls to not wear makeup! So I went on a campaign. I got a petition signed and everything. If a girl wants to wear makeup to boost confidence, why not? [But] I've worked hard to feel beautiful in my natural skin. Personally, I don't ever want to depend on makeup to feel beautiful.

On her go-to red carpet look:
I love color. I'm enjoying trying all different shades. Makeup isn't something I've worn a lot of in my life. So it's good to work with someone like [makeup artist] Nick Barose, who is inspired by my complexion and knows how to work with it.

On how she keeps her skin so gorgeous:
I love using natural oils. I use avocado oil and Hawaiian kukui oil on my face. I like to keep things natural, simple, and straightforward.

On her signature short natural hair:
The first time I cut all my hair off was when I was 19. I just got fed up going to the salon every week. I'd had enough! On a whim, it was off. It's low-maintenance.

I love the fact that what Lupita is doing is she's not trying to be something other than what she is. Natural hair is a phenomenon – absolutely and it works for some women, for some women it doesn't. A few years ago Lupita decided she didn't want to relax her hair or color her hair anymore, especially relaxing it. So she cut it all off short and the rest is history. I cut it, I trim it up, I fade it out. It's great to see a difference. She owns that. It's not put on. She owns that. It's who she is and it's just great.

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