Interview With Sunday Sun Former Co-Host Of Project Fame West Africa - ADORA OLEH

On the Adora Oleh Show, it's no holds barred as  she can ask even the questions celebrities dread to answer. Her aim is to entertain, motivate, inspire and stimulate her audience for years to come. The high point of her career came recently when she became a Fox News correspondent and got the opportunity to report live outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in London, where Kate The Duchess of Cambridge was due to give birth. She's still basking in the euphoria  of that encounter.
She told Sunday Sun in this interview that being a Fox  News correspondent makes her proud because the environment is fast, furious and intense. Growing up, the vivacious on air personality Adora Oleh loved talk shows. No wonder she towed that line when the opportunity presented itself. She mentally prepared herself for the kind of life she wanted. Born and raised in Surrey, England, this former co-anchor of Project Fame West Africa, doesn't like being tamed.

Q: Who really is Adora aside the vivacious on air personality we all know?
A: I am a pretty easygoing person and sometimes I'm quiet and reserved. I'm interested in how and why things work. I'm also conscientious and practical, very disciplined, a modern thinker who values tradition at the same time.

Q: What was the experience like co-anchoring Project Fame West Africa?
A: It was  great! I have made no secret of the fact that I really enjoyed hosting the show and I always say it is very important to enjoy what you do.
I love presenting and I would like to think that whilst I'm presenting, my enthusiasm and enjoyment comes across to the viewers at home. I have co-hosted Project Fame West Africa for five seasons and  I'm excited about the contestants, their talents and the drama of  every season.

Q: At what point did you decide you needed to do something worthwhile on your own?
A: I always knew that I wanted to work for myself and produce my own TV show under my own production company, so I mentally prepared myself. I knew  even before starting  that it was not going to be easy. There were challenges  at every stage, but we have definitely come a long way since the early days and  the show is up and running and here to stay.

Q: What's your inspiration for your TV Show?
A: I have always been a fan of  talk shows.  I grew up watching a lot  from Oprah, Tyra, Sally Jessy Raphael, Jay Leno and  David Letterman, all of them! Oprah's talk show was highly influential  and many of her topics penetrated into pop-cultural consciousness  which I could relate to. I found her show inspiring and it provided viewers with a positive, spiritually uplifting experience. I loved it and I said to myself I really want to be like this woman someday.

Q: What should viewers expect from  Season 2 of your talk show?
A: Each show is designed to inspire, motivate and entertain the audience through  celebrity role models and entrepreneurs that appear on the show. My interviews are like a journey through the celebrities' lives  and I'm not afraid to ask them anything.  Therefore it feels like a very frank, out-spoken, honest conversation between me and my celebrity guests. The show is currently on Silverbird TV and VOX Africa in the UK and on VOX Africa DSTV Nigeria.

Q: What are the challenges you face putting the show together?
A: To be honest, anchoring the show is the easy bit; but once I have finished presenting and interviewing my guests, I then turn into a television producer and it's at this point my sister and I oversee all aspects of the video production. As you can imagine, the challenges that come from this are too long to mention  as there are challenges along the way at every stage. It can get really crazy at times.

Q: How did you start ? How difficult was it?
A: My first experience on TV was actually modeling on a breakfast TV show on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom whilst in the university. I did this for a few years and became totally addicted, not by the modeling but by the TV environment. It was great to be apart of the process of a live show and this enhanced my desire to become a TV presenter. I'd say it was difficult because at that stage all you had was  a dream and absolutely no idea how to go about making it a reality.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your show?
A: As the popular saying goes "You have to go big or go home." We have decided to go big  and with God's guidance we hope to have a long running African international TV show that will continue to entertain, motivate, inspire and stimulate our audience for many years to come.

Q: You are also a Fox News correspondent. 
What has the experience of being  an international on air personality been like?
A: It has been amazing and something I am very proud of. Reporting on one of the biggest news networks is a lot of fun. The environment is fast, furious and intense. I learnt that covering the latest breaking entertainment news or hard hitting investigations  is not for the faint hearted. It's a real adrenaline rush and I enjoy  every minute.
I  reported the events of the day at the Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee. I have done movie rundowns, celebrity news and most recently I got the opportunity to report live outside the The Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in, London, where Kate The Duchess of Cambridge was due to give birth.  I loved that experience. I was beyond thrilled! All the pomp and circumstance surrounding the birth of Prince George  really reached fever pitch. It was very exciting. It's one of those stories  that is one hundred percent positive  as well as world history in the making. I was so glad to be a part of  an  historical news story and I'm definitely looking forward to doing more with Fox News this year.

Q: You recently won the Most Popular TV Presenter Award from the Nigerian Broadcasting Merit Awards. How do you feel?
A: I feel absolutely elated. I'm so grateful to everyone who voted for me. I really love my followers and fans. My fans encourage me, they keep me going with their unending support.

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