AGN’s Visit To Jonathan: Segun Arinze Replies Kabat Esosa

Segun Arinze has replied Nollywood Film maker, Kabat Esosa for taking a shot at them because they went to visit the country's president. According to Esosa, the visit to him is meaningless, because it won't eradicate employment nor will it wipe the tears of those who are suffering. Segun Arinze felt the statement was wrong and made it clear to the film maker, that their motive was positive and there's nothing wrong in visiting President Jonathan because AGN is a body on its own. More so we all transported ourselves there with our own money, he said. Find what Esosa said before now, and how Segun Arinze replied him after the cut.


'One question I think begs an answer from them is; what was the reason and value of the Presidential visit? How have their visit added anything to the hue and cry in the country in respect of security, unemployment etc.'

Mr Segun Arinze's reply;

I think it's so unfair for anyone to criticise AGN for paying a courtesy visit to President Goodluck Jonathan. We are an Association in Nollywood and our visit was to discuss issues as it affects our Guild and the industry in general.  Everybody transported themselves to and fro.

We didn't go begging for alms. Pls do read Madam President Ibinabo Fiberisma's  speech. Kabat's statement was totally uncalled for.  We have a right to visit GEJ after all he's the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria, Segun said.

Chyke Bryan who is the president of screen writers guild is down with kidney problem. What has the members of that guild of whom Kabat is also a member done to raise money for his treatment?  They should stop poking their noses in other people's business.  And focus on how to move the industry forward instead of bickering and sulking like Children. Making a mountain out of a molehill.'

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