Kanye West Set To Manage Baby-mama Kim Kardashian's Career

A source told RadarOnline.com: "Kanye is now totally in charge of Kim's career and his non-stop wheeling and dealing is leaving Kris out of control. 

"Kanye has managed to get Kim to cut her magazine and media appearances by a shocking level and that's going directly against Kris' plan to seize every publicity opportunity offered to her daughters." 

The 'New Slaves' hitmaker, who is living with Kris while the couple's new home in Bel Air, California undergoes extensive renovations, is allegedly eager for Kim, 33, to end some of her current contracts so she take on more high-level projects. 

The insider said: "His goal is to get people to respect Kim and take her seriously — it's basically the same kind of thing he did when he was launching his rap career after being known primarily as a producer." 

The situation is beginning to hurt his relationship with Kris, who refuses to step aside to let him control Kim's career. 
The insider said: "He's alienating Kris and that's going to be a long-term problem for him that won't go away. 

"Kris loves money, but she can't be bought out of Kim's life no 
matter how much Kanye is helping her 'get to the next level,' which are his words exactly."

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