Sam Smith Wants A Husband And Kids! Singer Opens Up About His Sexuality And Heartache In Recent Interview

The 22-year-old British singer recently opened up about the subject in an interview with Teen Vogue. He even admitted that some days, he feels like breaking down and crying right there on stage.
"I stand onstage and I wanna cry for the entire thing because people know my business. You all know me. You can read as many interviews as you want, but if you put on my record, I'm telling you, that is me," he said.
Smith revealed that part of his debut-album was inspired by a love-gone-wrong. "I fell in love with someone last year, and he didn't love me back," he shared. "I deleted him off WhatsApp, and it felt like I'd just broken up with him. On the record you can hear heartbreak, and there's a beauty in that I will always treasure."
Smith had come out as gay before his music career took off. "With the whole gay thing, I've had zero reaction, which says something beautiful about our generation and how things are getting a little bit better," he shared.
"The idea of having a house, a kid, a husband, and a dog… I love that," he admitted. "I also really want to open a coffee and flower shop one day, probably in Italy."
Earlier this year, Smith talked open about his sexuality, saying, "I am comfortable with myself, and my life is amazing in that respect. I'm very comfortable and happy with everything. I've been treated as normal as anyone in my life; and it's as normal as my right arm."

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