CATHOLIC CHURCH: No To Same-Sex Marriage

The Catholic Church has taken it's stand a long while ago concerning same-sex marriage and still insists on it.

The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, has further proved this fact by stating clearly, despite misconstrued thoughts on the Church's stand on the topic, that it's stand is unwavering.

"The concern of the Synod is the biblical teaching on marriage and family and this is theme of the Synod. The Book of Genesis shows that the man and the woman are created in the image and likeness of God. In receiving and accepting each other, the man and the woman recognize that they are made for each other. Through procreation, they collaborated with God in accepting and transmitting life. By the grace of God, a man and a woman are united in marriage and are to be faithful to, and love each other forever," he said.
"The Synod did not endorse gay marriage, but emphasized the indissolubility ofmarriage as a union between a man and a woman according to the scripture and the church teachings, using the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model for all families." he continued.
This is the same Bishop who earlier this year congratulated the President Goodluck Jonathan for signing the bill which criminalizes any form same-sex relationships with imprisonment, as well as anyone who supports or operates gay clubs, societies and organisations.

What is your stand?

Source: Punch NG

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