13 Photos Which Pretty Much Sums Up A Typical Nigerian Girl

You should know a Nigerian girl when you see one.

It’s not that hard, all you have to do is study them or simply follow the photos below.

1. Feeling themselves aka Miss Independent or Boss Chick

The thing with Nigerian women is, they feel themselves, it’s not a bad thing though.

2. No matter what you do, do not forget their birthdays

it’s an abomination

3. Marriage means the world to them

Oh! Marriage means the world to Nigerian women, even if they have to compromise to settle down with their ideal men.

4. They prefer to hang around with fellow females

Just to be on the safe side, every Nigerian girl has a bestie, who tends to be a sister, friend, gossip partner, crying shoulder and everything else. They sometimes have a cute name “my bitch”

5. Cooking is never an issue

The good thing about Nigerian girls is, eating some good home-cooked food will never be an issue even if you are just friends with her

6. They know exactly how to handle their men

Oh don’t go there, they will put you in your rightful place, no two ways about that.

7. They love too much

Trust me, they fall in love almost every day … good and bad

8. Best mothers

In the end, Nigerian women grow up to be the best mothers … any challenger?

9. They live for their birthdays

They can smell their birthdays, 3 months before

10. They show off the Nigerian in them wherever they go

They always kill it with a touch of African print/wear

11. They do not play with their God

Whether Christianity or Islam, they go all in.

12. They are strong, very strong

They will stick by you through thick and thin

13. And we the Naija boys, we love them to the bone

Don’t we guys?

All photos courtesy  GhanaBa Page on Facebook, designed by CREO

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