Must Read Article: DRIVE HER WILD By Temitope Johnson

Who says foreplay is out of season and boring? You want things to get hotter than ever and or rekindle that old flame? Try bringing foreplay back into the bedroom and out! You will be amazed at the difference a little foreplay can have on your love life!

Does it seem like men can be ready to have sex, both mentally and physically, at the drop of a hat. This isn't usually the case for a woman. Us women tend to require a bit more 'warming up' before we are ready, both physically and mentally, for sex. Do you need a bit of help in this department? Maybe need a few tricks and tips to help satisfy your woman better? Then keep on reading! If you want to 'rev up' your woman, then try 'tuning' up on your foreplay skills! A bit of foreplay will go a really long way!

1. Make out on the couch! Remember when you were back in high school and had make out sessions on the couch when your parents ran to the store? Bring back this kind of excitement and adventure! Have a make out session on the couch with a bit of dry humping. Don't try and remove any of her clothes. This will help her to relax and get 'in the moment'! We like to be teased a bit with out the pressure of knowing you want sex. Trust me, a good make out session with out any pressure, and she will be begging you for more.

2. Turn her on without touching her! Send her a text or write her a vague note telling her what you want to do to her (get her imagination running wild) and slip it in her purse or pocket. Try reading her an erotic story or watch a love story with her. Don't be too explicite, you can get her imagination running wild with just a few sexy suggestions! If you can turn her on and get her wet before you even think about touching her, trust me, you have got it made!

3. Secretly touch her in public! When you are in public and can't have sex, give her a little taste of what later may bring. When at a movie, slip a warm hand up her shirt. Or slip your hand down the side of her pants when standing behind her at the jukebox. When sitting at the dinner table with friends, get a bit frisky under the table when nobody is looking. These moves will warm her up and get her feeling tingly in all of the right places! Best part is, she knows that nothing can happen, yet she is wanting it big time! By the time you actually get away, she will be tearing off your clothes and begging for it!

4. Take your time! Don't go straight for the obvious hot spots. Gently rubbing her head, hair, back, stomach, legs, or arms slowly is a great way to start warming her up! If you go straight for her boobs or butt, she may think that you are only thinking about yourself. You want to let her know that you are thinking of her, not you. Anticipation can be your best friend! Play with her and tease her a bit before you start to undress her. If you have her on pins and needles wondering if you are going to actually undress her this time, she will be melting in your hands by the time you actually do undress her!

5. Be Slow and Gentle! Being fast and rough isn't going to get you very far. Move slow and be gentle. Start with nice gentle kisses on her neck. Make sure that you take your time and kiss her all over. You can heighten her sense of arousal greatly this way! Guess where a heightened sense of arousal gets you?

6. Make it an experience she won't forget while undressing her! Slowly undress her instead of just ripping her clothes off. Do it one layer at a time. After taking off each layer, play a bit. For example, pull her shirt up so her eyes are still covered and start to kiss her gently and touch her. She will be super sensitive to your touch when she can't see what is going to happen next. Take advantage of this and make her squirm after each layer!

7. Don't spend too much time in one spot! Make sure that you keep moving. She can get bored if you stay in one spot too long. If you have found a spot she really likes, then stay there for a bit, move to another spot, then come back to that spot again.

8. Talk dirty yet compliment her too! Too much of one thing isn't good. Take turns between the two. While kissing her stomach or arms, compliment her and let her know how sexy you think she is. Then when kissing her neck whisper dirty things into her ear.

9. Deep french kiss her! Don't forget how important kissing is to her! Deep tongue kissing is a great erotic turn on for both partners. Us girls like it when you savor us! Giving long, deep, slow, and lingering kisses that are just that, kisses (no sex, yet anyways) get wet and wanting more. Deep tongue kissing mimics sex. Think about it for a minute. Wetness! Sucking! Licking! Writhing motions! That gets our juices (all over) flowing and is a great kick start for our desires! Pick the proper place and time for this long, passionate, lucious kiss and she will be all yours!

10. Give her a massage! All women like to be massage. You gotta be careful with this one though, you don't want to put her to sleep! You just want to relax her and let her know that you are thinking about her and want to make her happy! A happy woman means a happy man if you catch my drift! A good erotic oil massage will get all of her jucies flowing! (If you are using condoms, make sure that you get a condom friendly massage oil, a latex free condom, or make sure that you don't put oil in certain areas. Some oils can break down latex condoms.) Make her lie down on her stomach and start massaging her back, neck, and shoulders. Work your way up and down her body. Make sure that you take little breaks between touching her to kiss her and lick her. Make sure to involve her whole body. This will keep her from falling asleep and will get her in the right mood. Stroke her with your whole hand, not just your finger tips. Be sure to enjoy her curves and have fun with it too.

11. Take control! A woman like it when her man takes control in the bedroom, so be forceful in a sense (but not too forceful) in what you want her to do. Tell her what exactly you want of her. Like tell her to keep her eyes open or closed. Let her know what positions you want her to be in and help her get into that position. Then just have fun with it!

12. Kiss her on her neck and ear lobes! We love this! A woman's neck is far more sensitive than a mans. Which means that if you want to get your girl hot and aren't sure how, start kissing her on her neck and very gently bit on her ear lobe. You will have her hot in no time at all! It's a magical spot guys! Make sure that you go slow and take your time. Be sensous and switch off from soft to firm kisses. Want to go one step further. Sneak up behind her and kiss her neck from behind! And don't forget to use your man hands, women love to be held by strong hands! Do this and she will be melting in your hands in no time at all!

12. When finishing up your foreplay, make sure that she is well lubricated before moving on to sex. Some women might need a bit of extra help with lubrication. Just make sure that you have a good bottle of lubrication close by when you are getting ready for sex. If she isn't lubricated enough, then sex can be pretty painful. Specially with bigger guys. There are tons of different lubricants out there, so figure out what works for you both and have it ready to go. Depending on what you like, there are flavored, warming, cooling, silicone, and water based lubricants, so everyone can be happy and have even more fun! If she does need some extra lube, have fun and help her put some on!

13. Take a trip downtown. Guys are not the only ones that enjoy having oral sex performed on them. You really want to have her begging you for sex, then go downtown! Take your time, be gentle, and get your whole body involved. You can rub her thighs with your hands. Put her legs up on your shoulders. Play with her. Need a bit of help if taking a trip downtown doesn't sound like to much fun? There are many different kinds of flavored lubricants that you can use to make things a bit tastier, there is even Bacon Lube! You can also use Sheer Glyde dams or dental dams. Dental dams have a lavender scent and taste to them. Sheer Glyde dams come in many different flavors though. Have fun with it and make sure that you are both comfortable while doing this!

Just remember that it takes women, on average, a bit more to get into the mood and ready for sex, so if she starts to lose the mood or lubrication after you started sex, take a few minutes to go back to foreplay and add a bit more lube. This will get her back in the mood and you can both have amazing sex after going back to it.

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