Freedom at last

Living all by myself

Now In school

No mum to tell me what to do

No dad trying to scold me for all wrong doings

I can now live the way I've always wanted

I can do all bad myself!

Everyone is doing it; so I can

Lying is not that wrong, it's just being diplomatic

Little fraud isn't that bad; it's just being smart

Every girl loves being around me; it's not to bad to sleep with them all

I am so beautiful, every guy want me; it's not bad to spend their money.

I must get good grades in school, cheating isn't that bad

I want to be a big boy; cultism isn't a sin.

I sure can do all bad myself!

Yes you can

Never forget the consequences

Can you bear them all alone?

Freedom, yes is a good thing but so expensive too.

Honesty, diligence, discipline, that is all good for me.

I sure can do all bad by myself but can't pay all the price afterward

A man of integrity then, I will be!


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