THE VOW Part 1

I, Sarah Adams take Lawson Kuti as my lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do us part" she smiled at him through her veil.

"You may now kiss your bride Mr. Lawson" The Pastor beckoned.

Lawson's heart raced as he gently unveiled his bride's face. She looked so beautiful. He gently bent over and placed a soft kiss on her lip. Sarah in turn embraced him tightly with tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Never leave me Sarah" He whispered in her ear.

"I will never leave you" she whispered and they slowly released themselves from the embrace.

"I present to you the latest couple!" The Pastor exclaimed excitedly

The church cheered and Sarah cried more in her husband's arms

5 years Later

Sarah silently tip toed behind her husband. He was in his study, engrossed in reading. She smiled to herself and gently covered his eyes with both hands.

"It's just you and I in this house Sara, plus, I smelled you the moment you walked in" He dropped

Sara released her hold, sighed and sat on the study table, "Why do you figure me out so easily? I can't even surprise you! That sucks" she curled her arms around his neck

"You are my wife, nothing you do is supposed to surprise me" He playfully pecked her nose.

"But you've been in the study all day and I'm bored!" She rolled her eyes

"So what kind of fun do you suggest we have then?" He swooped her off the table in his arms

"No! no that kind of fun!" She hit him playfully till he put her down

"Ok", He folded his arms on his chest, looking into her eyes, "So what do you want us to do?"

"Not us. Actually, all I want is to play with your play station and you've hidden it again! Just give it and you can continue your reading. pleaaaseee" She blinked her eyes playfully

"No way", He went back toward his study chair and sat, "Not my play station"

"Why! You never let me touch it…like its your baby" She sulked

"Well", he rolled his eyes, "Not like you've given me a baby yet"

Sara paused for a moment. Did he just say that to her? The words struck her deep down

"You shouldn't have said that Lawson…" She managed to say, her countenance changing.

"But it's true…I'm only saying the truth Sara" He turned to face her, still sitting on the chair.

"The truth? You think I don't want us to have kids?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that…" He stood to face her now.

"Then what are you saying Lawson? Tell me, what is the truth?"

"Let's not do this today…please. You can have the play station and play all you want. It's in my footwear locker and the key is in my Bible"

"You always do this…hurting me with your words" Her voice began to shake

"Don't start Sara please"

"Tell me why you said those words to me! I want to know!"

"Because I'm tired! I want to be a father! I want to have my own kids Sara…"

" and you think I don't?!" Sara flared, trying not to let the tears pour

"Then why can't you get pregnant Sara? This is the fifth year we are trying." He clenched his teeth and walked out of the study.

Sara was in shock. She sat on the chair for some seconds, stood up again and sat on the chair again…this time she held on to her blouse and burst into tears.

2weeks after

"Lawson, wake up please" Sara tapped him

Lawson gently opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock by his bedside, "It's 2:00am Sara…"

"It's urgent"

"I'm listening" He said drowsily

"Mother says we should come for tests. She says she's spoken to her doctor and he said we should come."

"What?" Lawson opened his eyes now, "Your mother is the UK for Christs sakes"

"Let's just do it. We can go for the weekend, lets just give it a shot, please."

"No. That would be rather expensive and…"

"It's my birthday today and the only thing I want from you is this trip"

Lawson fell quiet now. For the past two years now, his wife's birthday skips his mind…totally.

"I'm…I'm sorry Sara…It skipped my mind…"

"It always does" She lay down back on the bed, backing him.

Lawson wrapped his arms around her waist, "I said I'm sorry…"

No response.

Lawson sighed, "Fine, we go this weekend"

"Really?" She turned sharply, excited

"If it will make you happy today"

"Thank you baby" She hugged him.

A week after

Sara jerked at the vibration of the phone in her pocket.

"Hi mom!" she pressed the phone to her ear with her shoulders, wiping the washed dishes with her hands.


"What is it mom?" she pressed it harder

"The result…the result of the tests…" her mother cried

Sarah gently dropped the plate and the wiper, heart racing…"Just say it mom…"

That night

"I can never have children Lawson…" Sara cried

Lawson felt his world crash right in front of him, "W…what?"

"Mama called today…she's gotten the tests results"

"Jesus Christ" Lawson stood, placing his palm on his head, "b…but you told me you were ok before we got married, you told me the doctor said your abortion didn't damage your womb"

"Don't bring my past into this!" Sara flared

Lawson laughed and got serious almost immediately, "You are crazy. I married a crazy woman!"

Sara looked at him in shock, like he'd lost his mind.

"The results say you can never have children and we both know that this has to do with the abortion you had before we met!", he flared, "are you happy?…you know we're screwed right? No kids? what re we going to tell the world?"

"Lawson we can adopt…" Sara cried

"Adopt? Wow!", he laughed again, "I married a funny woman too!" He got serious again, "Its still not our baby! The damn baby is not my flesh and blood! You are full of deceit Sara" He looked into her eyes. Sara could see him fighting his tears.

"Lawson stop…you are hurting me…" Sara fell on her knees crying

"You want to know what I'm thinking?" Lawson looked at her with disgust, "I'm thinking how on earth I'm going to stand seeing your deceitful face for the rest of my life"

Sara cried harder, "Don' t give up Lawson…So far I have a womb…I can still carry our baby…"

"I am not giving up on having my baby, I'm giving up on you" Lawson turned around to leave

"Lawson!" She held his feet, "I'm hurting too…"

He only dragged his feet from her hold and drove out of the house. She wept.

A month Later

"Mother, he's not even talking to me. All of a sudden we are both strangers…He doesn't eat my food, comes home late…he hates me so much and its killing me. I'm confused…to think that it's me truly hurting…"

"For how long will you hide this truth from him. You've got to let him know…you can't carry his…"

There was the sound of a car horn

"Mom I've got to go…he's back"

"Baby, you've got to let him know. It can work when you two are one in mind"

"Bye mom" she ended the call.

Lawson came into the house, about to walk past her.

"Lawson" She held him

"I'm tired" He didn't want to look at her face

"I know…can we talk for some minutes?" She tried to help him remove his suit

"Look what is it?" He jerked from her

"Do you hate me this much? you can't even look me in the eye? you can't even stand my sight? Lawson…it's me Sara…your best friend…" Her eyes grew moist

"I'm in no mood for this" He turned around to walk away

"Don't you dare leave when I'm talking to you!" She dragged him by the suit. Just then, some papers fell to the floor. Sara quickly bent to pick them up…her hands shook and her body became numb all over.

"D…divorce papers? Lawson?" She searched his eyes

"Answer me goddammit!" She held him by the collar of his shirt, crying

"They are for you to sign. I want out" Lawson dropped

"Y…you what?" she slowly freed him from her hold

"It's not going to work Sara, can't you see?"

"Lawson I can't believe you would think of a divorce and even go this far… 

*****TO BE CONTINUED******

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