Controversial Video Vixen Vera Sidika Gets Boob Implants. (See Photo)

Beautifully controversial Kenyan video vixen Vera Sidika, who made headlines after admitting to lightening her skin, has gotten huge breast implants. The   video vixen made the announcement via her instagram account and says

''Feels good to be back. Had really missed Nairobi. Now…y'all be nice and say hello to my new twins #FakeBoobAlert #CompleteFakenessLoading #NoMorePaddedBras #ActuallyNoBrasAtAll #Implants #CantWaitForThemToDropAndPopBetter #SexyKenyanGirl #WithMoneyAllThingsArePossible #IfYouFlatChest #YouCanBuyYourselfSomeBoobs #NewAddition #INeedNamesForTheseTwins''

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