Filmmaker, Prince Iyke Olisa Admits That Movie Producers Truly Molest Actresses For Roles

Undeniably, the numerous stories about Nigerian movie producers requesting to sleep with actresses in exchange for movie roles aren't stale. Yet, to a large extent, these tales are still on the lips of many, most especially from reports made by some Nollywood up and coming actresses claiming these producers s*xually harass them before they can be accorded with roles in movies.

A while ago, Nollywood producer, Ken Okafor came out to defend his colleagues, claiming such is allowed if mutually agreed by the parties involved. But his stand on the matter wasn't accepted by the public.

Nigeriafilms recently caught up with a Nollywood producer and CEO of Prime World Production International Limited, Prince Iyke Olisa, and inquired his views about this much talked matter which he elaborately spoke on.

"Why is it that this question keeps coming to me everywhere, even when I am on television or radio. Well, the truth is that we have such demands in every sector of life when it involves the opposite sex, but the abuse of it, is what we say no to.

"The movie industry, just like any other business or industry, is mixed multitude, where we have the good ones and the bad ones. I want to say this, it is in the industry, no doubt about that, but right now, I think to a large extent, it's on a minimized level because we now have a lot of girls who are very professional and know the job. So, when they tell you 'no' today, tell you same tomorrow, you will probably then change.

"Inasmuch as we still have the producers and directors that make such offers, we still have quite a number of us that have always been straightened and very professional with the business.

"Funny enough, it is quite unfortunate that a lot of people talk about producers and directors who make such demands, which is very true, no doubt, but there are some girls who come up with such ideas and stunts.

"It is disheartening when people don't talk about that. Well, like it is said, 'it is better for a dog to die at the compound of a fowl, than for a fowl to die at the dog's, but all the same, it is been controlled now, it is quite bad. But I encourage and advise up and coming actors, just be a talent! Be a talent! And any business-minded film maker or any one with the business mindset will always come after you. 

"I have been in a movie location where I was the director and the producer wanted to sleep with one of the female characters, but the girl bluntly refused. Along the line, the going got tough casting that same movie, we started looking for the girl because we felt she was the right one that will handle that particular act well and knowing that at the end of the day, she would be the one to bring in the money. 

"The major thing is for you to be yourself, know who you are, know what you have got, be focused, have the talent to want it seriously. It is a matured industry. The need to upgrade continuously is vital," he said.

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