Boko Haram Sends BLOODY Threat Letter With Human Flesh To Adamawa State University + Students Desert School Hostel (Photo)

According to sahara Reporters, Over the past two weeks school officials based at the Adamawa State University have been the recipients of written threats directed at them and word of the letters has shaken both the student body and officials at the school.

A source has told SaharaReporters that the letters are believed to be real, with school officials and the student body suspecting it is coming directly from the Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram.  

The tension Monday morning picked-up, when students in Barde Hall awoke and found a letter placed on a wall that was written in the Hausa language. The letter, when translated into English, reads, "Last warning."

But this time around, it had a pound of flesh clipped to the letter. It dripped with blood, and was described as somewhat black in colour, though looking as if it was not long since this section of human flesh it was cut off.

This caused panic among many of the students at the hostel. They then openly questioned the  efforts of the university security men, and called them to the hall to remove the grisly letter. The students denied the letter was written and posted by a fellow student among them to the arriving security men. They then demanded to see the schools' vice chancellor.

 The Adamawa State University Vice Chancellor is Dr. Alkassum Abba, who arrived shortly afterwards, and addressed the students in a tense exchange over the letters and this latest note placed on a wall dripping with blood. Abba was peppered with many questions from the assembled students about school security. But to many in attendance Abba's explanation was neither reassuring, or satisfying.   

The Vice Chancellor according to a SaharaReporters source reportedly insisted that nothing will change with the school's academic calendar. Strangely, the students were told that their exams will be held as earlier scheduled.

As it stands now, many of the Adamawa State University students have packed their bags, and also, reportedly, packing out of the hostel.

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