Smoking has long been identified as one of the major causes of weak erection and erectile dysfunction among men.
Alongside excessive alcohol, obesity, drugs and diabetes, smoking is one of the popular habits and lifestyle choices that return to haunt one...
In the words of a men’s health Physician and Medical Sex Therapist, Dr Vijayasarathi Ramanathan, who was quoted in a The Health Site article, smoking is one of the major culprits.
"Smoking affects every system/organ of the body including sexual functioning. People need to understand that erection in men has a lot to do with a healthy heart, blood vessels," Ramanathan said.
"Smokers are twice as likely to get erectile dysfunction as non-smokers."
For a man to get an erection, there is a need for the brain to send a signal and the heart to pump blood to the penis - erectile dysfunction occurs when either the brain or the heart fails.
Now, since an erection is borne from the "hydraulic effect of blood entering and being retained” the penis, it is important to keep the blood paths free.
Sadly, smoking causes the buildup of plaque in the arteries, obstructing blood flow and causing circulatory problems.
In other words, smokers are more at a risk of impotency, erectile dysfunction including premature ejaculation etc., than non-smokers.