Stage1Project Announces Boot Camp For Aspiring Artists

Nigeria’s first creative boot-camp for emerging/established talents, recording artists and artist affiliates in the music industry, the maiden edition of Stage1Project Boot Camp with the theme “PACKAGE, PITCH & PROMOTE”, will hold on the 10th and 11th of September at Swe bar and Lounge.
This is THE Boot-Camp for those who are ready to give their talents THAT professional touch and become visible; whether that be on a TV screen, silver screen or computer screen!
Stage1Project is an initiative of Nuffnoiz Entertainment LLC and aims to equip talents in the pursuit of their music business careers, while learning the acceptable ins and outs of the entertainment industry from the back in. The ever competitive music business has changed so much within the last few years and this, the “PACKAGE, PITCH & PROMOTE” boot-camp would address.
The Stage1Project will be coordinated and taught by Henry Igbokwe (the convener and Founder of S1P) in conjunction with industry executives that are PACKAGING, PITCHING and PROMOTING all day long.
Our Celebrity Mentor for this edition is Ali Baba. He is not only a celebrity that has achieved a lot over the years, but also a mentor to a lot of the super stars we have today, with so much experience to share and inspire that next super star.
The Stage1Project boot-camp will be held at Swe Bar & Lounge at City Mall, 2nd floor, onikan, Lagos and is TOTALLY FREE to all participating talents. Classes would be interactive, practical and fun in an informal setting, with loads of questions answered! There would be an opportunity for acts to showcase their creative talents as well.
This edition is scheduled to hold on the 10th & 11th of Sept 2015. (Thursday and Friday) and time will be from 10am – 2:30pm daily.
To participate, send your name, phone no. to and you will be registered to attend.
For enquiries call: 012912781, 08081533061

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