Birthday Wishes To Self.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

It's my day People, celebrate with ME!

"To laugh often and much.
To win the respect of smart people,
And the affection of children,
To earn the approval of honest critics,
And face the betrayal of false friends,
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in others,
To leave the world a bit better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or a redeemed social condition,
To know one life has breathed easier,
Because I have lived,
This is to have succeeded."

I may not be able to throw a party but on the bright side, I've lived to be a year older. A lot of people unfortunately didn't make it till this age but I Thank God for life.

Thanking God for the Gift of Life, 
Between Storms And Hardship I still deem fit to praise you any which way I like. Thanks To the greatest Dad, Mom, Father of the fatherless and motherless, brother, sister and my everything, I really can't thank God enough for everything his done for ME! 

Happy Birthday To ME!!! 

Shoyinka Fashmaverick 

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