Eldee Slams Military For Sharing Naked Photos Of Dead Boko Haram Militants On Twitter

The Nigerian army earlier today shared photos of dead boko haram extremist after the Sunday attack in Maiduguri and rapper Eldee thinks its a disregard for human life.
Read his thoughts....

I support our troops and their efforts to curb terrorism and I can not for a minute disregard or disrespect those who gives their lives for our freedom, with that said, we need better PR. While it's ok to show the people that we are fighting and winning against terrorists, the official spokesman for the military should not be posting inappropriate and offensive images like these on twitter. One does not have to be a boko haram sympathizer to find these images somewhat offensive. Boko haram are barbaric animals and should be treated as such on the battlefield but stripping the dead naked suggests we are no different from the animals. Congratulations to the army for kicking boko harams ass, they all deserve to be sent to the darkest pit of hell! BUT we need better PR and communication. The images show civilians with machetes and naked bodies of the dead, haba?! We can send a better articulated message to boost public confidence. But what do I know? No be me holy pass #NBMHP

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