Ebola-Free Dr. Kent Brantly Speaks as He's Released from Emory Hospital (WATCH)

American doctor Kent Brantly and North Carolina missionary Nancy Writebol, both of whom contracted Ebola while treating infected Liberian patients, have been released from an Atlanta hospital. Writebol was discharged from Emory University Hospital on Tuesday and Brantly was released today, Thursday.

During an emotional press conference as he left the hospital, Dr. Brantley said he never imagined himself in this position.

"We treated out first Ebola patient (in Liberia) in June. When she arrived we were ready. On Wednesday, July 23, I woke up feeling under the weather and then my life took an unexpected turn as I was diagnosed with Ebola. As I lay in my bed in Liberia for nine
days, getting sicker each day, I prayed God would help me be more faithful in even in my illness. And I prayed that in my life or even death, that he would glorified. What I can tell you is I serve a faithful God, he saved my life. Please continue to pray for Liberia and the rest of West Africa." Brantly said.
Brantly and wife
Brantly is the first-ever Ebola patient to be treated in the U.S. and the first human to receive the experimental serum known as ZMapp. According to reports, Brantly's condition deteriorated so quickly that doctors in Africa decided to give him the drug in a last-ditch effort to save him.

Brantly's condition started to improve dramatically within an hour after getting the serum, according to Samaritan's Purse, but it's unclear if the improvement was directly related to the medication. After his health stabilized, Brantly was evacuated on a specially outfitted plane to Atlanta in early August to the hospital isolation ward.

Watch the touching, moving speech Dr Kent gave here

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