Prince Ajah Nwabueze Igwe Defended By Habiba Mahmood

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Well the 'Prince' was enmeshed in a gay-talk Controversy a few days back.A sex tape was released of two men discussing sex and one said ''My d**k is 7inches'' and the other reploed ''wooow,you go kill me oh'' and '' I will allow you disvirgin me''.

Attempts were made to quench the fire erected by the explosve and now one Mr Habiba Mahmood sent in this mail in defence of his friend whose name he spelt as ''nwanze'' and not Nwabueze'',
The Topic of his mail is '' Who is afraid of Prince Ajah Nwanze Igwe?''
 It is only fair that i publish this friends defence since i also carried the story.
here goes
''I read with dismay, the sad and feeble attempt to discredit my childhood friend Prince Ajah Nwanze Igwe, to cast him in a light that is alien to his person. How can the sexual preference of a happy married man with three kids, be his same sex, how can his personal life be reduced to the fabrication of a mere faceless entity whose existence is highly in doubt. What is not in doubt is this tragic and unfortunate attempt to cast aspersions on his person and hard earned reputation as not only a politician but an able pillar of the community.

We should not forget that this kind of relationship is antithetical to the dictates of God and also the dictates of nature.

I first came across Prince Ajah in St. John Bosco Secondary School in Doma, Lafia, before he proceeded to Methodist College Uzuakoli in Abia State. All through these years we kept in touch, while I was in ABU Zaria, he went to Ebonyi State University. We met again during our service year, here he had become a finer gentleman and was very popular with his Corp member colleagues, who dotted upon him with admiration as a ladies man by his colleagues. During youth service

 Later on I realized he had also started his NGO, this made me respect him more, PAN Foundation was setup after his service year, to cater for humanity, especially the less privileged. The Foundation every 23rd day of December organize a Christmas Carol and Music Carnival.

PAN has also gone ahead to partner with CAN in propagating the gospel, in the true fashion of a good Christian.

PAN Foundation has also empowered women with soft loans, to help alleviate their sufferings.

One can not also ignore the marks he has made in the FCT as part of the Minister's team in charge of Inspection and Monitoring, the Airport road and Kubwa Express way which are now at 90 percent completion are projects that he is critically involved with.

But his greatest achievement is the supervision of the quality and standardization of the Satellite Town Infrastructural Development, especially in the aspect of adhering to the specified contractual expenditure.

The Prince has also not forgotten where he comes from, he is wary of the Hausa proverb that says "He who forgets his home, will be forgotten by home" As such he always participates in the Ishagu August Women Meeting, where delivers lectures on the appropriate growth trajectory of the community and other issues that affect women empowerment.

 That is why I am pained, by this  pathetic streak, that is becoming a disturbing pattern especially with the growth of online media. People will just come about and fabricate issues and events surrounding the events of a person, in order to run down the person.

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