[+18 PHOTO] Vava Voom Of Skuki, Ex Girlfriend Releases Their Sex Chat & A Picture Of His D**k

Supposed Ex of Vavavoom from the singing group SKUKI, who prefer to be anonymous about her name and claims she had sexual relationship with vavavoom which lasted for 3months. He broke her heart and she is very angry with him, she needs an apology from him or she would reveal his private escapades to the public every 24hours till he takes action.
She claim she has a lot of munches plus every picture he has hidden on his phone. This case is not new in the music industry i suppose. Don’t joke with a broken hearted woman, they are dangerous…
See Image After The Cut:
vava voom skuki-septin911 vava voom skuki2-septin911
Vava Voom mofasah big o! Use am apologize to her Naw.

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  1. Lmfao.. @ Fash's comments tho.. Guy u dey craze gan..



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