See What Happened To Baby After A Family Member Kissed Her (PHOTOS)

A new mum has taken to her Facebook page to share the share the horror involved in allowing family members show love to your new baby by kissing him/her.

Warning all mums across the world, Doncaster-based Claire Henderson recalled how her little baby, Brooke, was hospitalized for five days with horrific blisters that could have caused liver and brain damage.

‘Please share this with every new mum and pregnant woman you know… COLD SORES CAN BE FATAL FOR A BABY. Before 3 months old a baby cannot fight the herpes virus. If a baby contracts this it can cause liver and brain damage and lead to death. I know this sounds like I am scaremongering but if my friend had not told me about this my baby girl could have been very seriously ill. I noticed the signs early and got her to A&E, we have now been in hospital on a drip for 3 days and have another 2 to go. She was VERY lucky, all her tests came back clear.

The post has so far garnered over 35,000 shares.

One of Claire’s followers commented: ‘Well said Claire people do need to be aware of this as I didn’t know this could happen to babies. Just so glad you was on the ball & went with your instincts and got our Brooke to hospital straight away.’

Another said: ‘So pleased she is recovering well. We’ll done for spotting the signs for something that could have had a very different outcome. She’s a little fighter bless her. NHS Choices state cold sores are ‘small blisters that develop on the lips or around the mouth. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus and ‘usually clear up without treatment within seven to 10 days.

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