Voting in Progress for NIGERIA Technology Awards (NiTA), 2015

Welcome back from the Holiday/Weekend and Happy Independence in Advance.
Voting for NIGERIA Technology Awards, 2015 is in progress and is expected to end on the 21st October, 2015.

To vote visit

There is also opportunity to place advert inside the event programme. The Event programme is a 16 page, A4 size with different advert sizes at affordable rate:-

Advert Placement Cost:-
Full Page Colour                      =          NGN100, 000
Half Page Colour                     =          NGN50, 000
Quarter Page Colour              =          NGN25, 000
Back Page Colour                    =          NGN150, 000
For Enquiries, Advert Placement & Sponsorship Call: +234-708-872-7776, +234-706-692-9280, +234-808-489-5557 or 

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