President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday night reaffirmed his belief that only a coalition of forces can end the activities of Boko Haram during his visit to Cameroon. The Nigerian President has been planning a coalition of national forces to wage war against the terrorist group, with Cameroon, Chad, Benin and Niger among the countries. He also said that this common enemy should serve as the platform for continuous relationship between these countries.
He said: “We recognize that none of us can succeed alone. In order to win this war we need the collective efforts of each one of us, standing together as a formidable force for good, to defeat and end these acts of terror against our people.
“Let me assure all of my relentless pursuit of all possible means to safeguard Nigeria’s territorial integrity, protect the lives and property of our citizens as well as my commitment to continue to collaborate with Cameroon and our neighbours, within the framework of the Lake Chad Basin Commission.
“The Federal government of Nigeria is committed to respecting international norms to resolve this matter and to restore normalcy to all the affected areas as soon as possible,’’ he said.

His Cameroonian counterpart President  Biya congratulated President Buhari for a successful inauguration into office and feels ready to
He said: “Mr President, a dark cloud is looming over our countries even as we welcome you; we are facing the same threat, which may rock the foundation of our two nations.
“This danger bears the name of Boko Haram, its atrocities and crimes are jeopardizing peace around Lake Chad and especially in our two countries.
“The number of dead and victims are rising, economic activities have been crippled in affected areas, the number of refugees and displaced persons are ever increasing.
“We cannot allow this cancer to spread, we must pool our resources and forces and share our experiences,’’ he said.
“I strongly believe in your readiness to work towards that goal and your visit to Cameroon as well as the discussions we have had have strengthened my conviction.” he said

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