Steve Harvey Reveals Miss Colombia Won’t Talk To Him

Steve Harvey has apologized countless times for his error at the 2015 Miss Universe, but Miss Colombia, who suffered the most, isn’t ready to listen to him.

Steve Harvey still begging Miss Colombia
Steve Harvey still begging Miss Colombia

Harvey had mistakenly crowned Miss Colombia the winner of the pageant, before realizing his error and collecting the crown from her, giving it to real winner Miss Phillipines.

“When I did it, it was horrible for Miss Colombia. And she’s the only one I haven’t had a chance to talk to,” the radio host said recently.
“I’ve had a chance to talk to Miss Philippines. I’ve talked to all the pageant people. I’ve talked to people backstage. Even me and the director had a long talk. But I haven’t been able to reach out and talk to Miss Colombia. Now, have I tried? Yes. But I haven’t gotten a response.”

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