Red for Daring, Pink for Fun-Loving, Nude for Caring…Here’s What Your Lipstick Shade Says About You!


What if we said you could pre-determine the first impression people have of you? Would you believe it?
According to a survey carried out by CoverGirlHarvard University & Massachusetts General Hospital Research Partners, it seems that the shade of lipstick you wear when you meet someone for the first time has a direct  connection with the impression that person has of you.
This is a continued study from one carried out a few years ago by the same individuals which showed how makeup can affect how relatable, reliable or competent people see you.
From a survery that had over 1000 participants, the researchers found out that people judge us based on our lipstick choice.

CoverGirl Harvard Massachusetts Research Partners Image - BellaNaija - March 2015
Can you find your shade? What does it say about you? Read more on
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