Dakore Akande Writes about ‘A Day in the Life of a Mom in Lagos'

Dakore Moments with Mo 2

Nollywood actress Dakore Akande is one of the few stars in the entertainment industry who also run a blog where they share their thoughts and experiences on a regular basis.
Dakore runs a blog that documents her life as a mother.
In her latest post she writes about a typical day in the life of a mom in Lagos.
Read her post in part below:
My day was crazy the other day.  Murphy's law was in full effect. It was Dasola's 1st day at day care, I had to get my eldest, Yomski, ready for school. Our driver of 2 years left suddenly so I had to do the school run in addition to getting my day started with an early meeting at 11am.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is my mantra at times like this, so with a prayer in my heart we were on our way.
I dropped Yoms off, then took Dasi to day care which was a bit difficult for both of us (being her first time). While she was happily preoccupied with something the administrator was showing her I took the cue to tip-toe out the crying started. Starting day care is an important transition for babies. I am watching to see how Dasi settles in, but I know there may be some changes in her behaviour  as she gets used to her new routine.
With that done I made my way back home to shower quickly and dash off for a meeting I was running late for then the unexpected happened. My car just ground to a halt halfway there!
Thankfully my husband was on his way to his own meeting so he was able to rescue me, but, since I was driving myself, I had to figure out what to do because I couldn't possibly leave my car there, Naija la wa!
Just before I  left the house, my cook says the dreaded words, "Madam gas don finish" so I gave him some money to get more,  but that plan had to quickly take a back seat because I now needed him to come to meet us so he could wait with the car until the mechanic got there.
With that my husband had to reschedule his meeting so he could drop me off at mine and so that was it, everything back to normal somewhat right? Wrong!
I rushed into the meeting apologizing profusely because I had everyone waiting for me, including an 80 year-old lady so I had to seriously kun le and explain my ordeal. Thankfully everyone was gracious and so we carried on and had a great meeting.
I had my brother Timini come to meet me so I could go to pick up Dasi and I was running late  because her pick up is 2 o'clock and it was 2.15 already!
Another mad dash, picked her up, then picked Yoms and got home. Phew!
I then proceeded to inquire on the status of my up till then trusty jeep and I was certain it was something that could be fixed relatively quickly but shock and horror! the mechanic came back with more bad news….apparently my engine had knocked so I would need to buy a new "tokunbo" engine. The price? 350-400 thousand Naira!
I know what you might be thinking, it's not a problem because I'm a famous celebrity right? And I totally understand that.
Five years ago, before the babies yes, no problem but now, with so many responsibilities a lot of deliberation has to occur before money is just doled out so hopefully you can understand that.

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