Kanye West Allegedly Beats Up Man Who Calls Kim A N***r Lover

Kanye West attacked an 18-year-old guy inside the waiting room of a chiropractor's office after the guy allegedly called Kanye the N-word according to TMZ.

Kim was at a Beverly Hills medical building when she was swarmed by photogs. The guy allegedly tried to help Kim get in the building, as he started screaming,  "F**k these fa**ot-ass n****rs"" -- referring to the paparazzi. Kim then told him it was not appropriate to use the N-word. He got angry and then screamed at her, "F**k you bitch.  Just trying to help you.  Shut up n****r lover, stupid slut."

An angry Kim called Kanye, and when the guy realized Kanye was on the phone he allegedly said, "F**k you N****r."   Kanye allegedly arrived at the scene and rushed into the waiting room of chiropractor Richard Hill to find the 18-year-old sitting there.  Witnesses say Kanye punched the guy who continued swearing at him and Kim screamed, "We have it all on tape."
Beverly Hills cops were called and the 18-year-old said he wanted to press charges.

Law enforcement sources say Kanye is now officially a suspect in a battery investigation and they want to interview him. The matter will also be referred to the L.A. County D.A. for possible prosecution.

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