RMD Disclaims Fake Facebook Accounts

rmd fake
Veteran actor, Richard Mofe Damijo has disclaimed fake Facebook accounts set up with his name and photos. According to him, although the fraudsters operating the accounts pretend to be him, he dumped Facebook in 2010 when he stopped operation the account he had.
“I am aware that a lot of fraudsters have Facebook accounts set up with my name and image(s) and pretend to be me. I have on several occasions publicly stated that I AM NOT ON FACEBOOK!!! I had an account I stopped operating in 2010.
Please unfriend these fraudsters and help me bring down these fake profiles and accounts. I only have a Twitter account @rmofedamijo and this IG account. The@rmdtheactor accounts on Twitter and IG are run by my Management and they are NOT on Facebook. Kindly tell everyone I said so #RMDSaysSo,” he said.

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