Celebrate African Music! AfriDocs Presents the Music of Papa Wemba & More!

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AfriDocs  - Sub-Saharan Africa Broadcast Presents:
Celebrate African Music!  The Music of Papa Wemba & More!


The tragic recent passing of Papa Wemba has given us all pause – and AfriDocs would like to take this opportunity in the month of May to commemorate and celebrate the life and music of Papa Wemba, but also to recognize many of the other African artists, those both known and obscure, who on a daily basis bring to life the diverse cultures and communities of Africa through music.

To acknowledge the passing of Papa Wemba, on May 5th AfriDocs will rebroadcast the ever-popular classic, Papa Wemba, Chance Eloko Pamba,  whilst later in the month AfriDocs presents Salif Keita: A Man with a Message a film that higlights Keita’s sources of inspiration – his family, the intermarriage of musical influences, and his affirmation of African identity.

The month also includes musical tributes such as 100% Dakar a documentary that uncovers the thriving music, fashion and art scenes of urban Senegal, Gangbé, a film that documents the journey of a brass band from the Republic of Benin to Nigeria in a bid to conquer the city of Lagos, Kinshasa Symphony, the uplifting story of how for fifteen years the Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra in DR Congo has continued to play despite two coups, war, and exasperating power cuts, and Mahaleo, the story of Madagascar’s most popular Malagasy group.

Join us throughout the month of May as we both mourn the passing of a legend and also celebrate the amazing range of musical talent that we find every day across this diverse continent called Africa.

AfriDocs screens every THURSDAY at 19:55 Central African time (GMT + 2) on [ED] DStv Channel 190 & GOtv Channel 65 across sub-Saharan Africa. Repeats on Fridays and Sundays. For all film and scheduling information, visit www.Afridocs.net or www.facebook.com/AfriDocs.

5 May 
100% Dakar | Sandra Krampelhuber | Senegal | 2014 | 62 min
Dakar booms with life and this energy can also be found in the creative, artistic and cultural expressions of the city. Many young artists in Dakar took on the role as agents of change of their generation. “100% Dakar” visits fashion designers, Hip Hop musicians, graffiti artists, a photographer, an art blogger, dancers and many other artists and cultural entrepreneurs who stand for creativity, passion, social conscienceand a collective, creative fight against all economic and political burdens.

Festival International du Film Panafricain 2016

Papa Wemba, Chance Eloko Pamba | Jimmy Glasberg | Zaire | 1996 | 52 min
Papa Wemba’s music - a blend of cultures, sounds and rhythms - transcends borders and nationalities. The singer, who spent half his time in Paris and half in Kinshasa, is also a symbolic figure for the young people of Zaire. Papa Wemba died late last month after collapsing on stage and this re-broadcast is in honour of this legendary musician.

12 May
Kinshasa Symphony | Claus Wischmann, Martin Baer | DRC | 2010 | 95 min
A remarkable orchestra plays heroically despite its musicians' daily struggle for mere survival. For fifteen years the Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra in DR Congo has continued to play despite two coups, war, and exasperating power cuts. This uplifting film follows several determined characters whose lives have been transformed by the orchestra.

Best Documentary, 11th Image et Vie, Senegal 2011

Congo in Four Acts: Symphony Kinshasa | Kiripi Katembo Siku | DRC | 2006 | 15 min
Take a hard-hitting tour through Congo’s capitol city and discover the consequences of graft, neglect and poverty.

19 May
Gangbé | Arnaud Robert | Benin | 2015|58 min
A brass band from the Republic of Benin departs in a bid to conquer the city of Lagos in Nigeria. The film tells of the clash between two Africas. On this long journey to the metropolis, the adventures of a continent are revealed; the new cultural poles of the South and the gaps that still separate these neighbouring countries. In encounters with Femi Kuti and the contemporary ideals of Pan-Africanism, the Gangbé Brass Band finds themselves immersed in a world of new ideas.

Festival Vues d'Afrique, Montréal, 2016

Salif Keita, A Man with a Message | Jean-Pierre Limosin | Mali | 1996 | 52 min
We join Salif Keita in Bamako to learn about his sources of inspiration – his family, the intermarriage of musical influences, and his affirmation of African identity.

26 May
Mahaleo | Paes & Rajaonarivelo | Madagascar | 2005 | 98 min
In Malagasy, ‘Mahaleo’ means free, independent. Mahaleo’s voices and music have accompanied the people of Madagascar ever since the collapse of the colonial regime.

DOK.fest Munich 2016

The Cessation | Lotte Manicom | 2014 | South Africa | 16 min
This short documentary follows three members of the Angolan diaspora in Cape Town and maps the impact of the Angolan Cessation which was announced by the South African government in 2013 and effectively ends the Angolan diaspora’s refugee status in South Africa from 2015.

AfriDocs screens every THURSDAY at 19:55 Central African time (GMT + 2) on [ED] DStv Channel 190 & GOtv Channel 65 across sub-Saharan Africa. Repeats on Sundays – www.afridocs.net  or www.facebook.com/AfriDocs

You can also follow AfriDocs on twitter: @Afri_Docs

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