Food That Increases Sperm Count

Low sperm count means that the semen that is released during sexual intercourse contains fewer sperm than the normal benchmark. The normal range for number of sperm per millimeter is 15 million to over 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Anything lesser than that is usually refered to as low sperm count. Having a low sperm count reduces the probability of a mans sperm fertilizing the females egg. This could cause serious problem between a man and his partner because the woman would not be able to conceive a foetus. We will be considering the common causes of low sperm count and how you can use food to increase the sperm count.

What Causes Low Sperm Count.

There are many causes of low sperm count which includes but not limited to:
Smoking: Men who smoke have higher risk of low sperm count than those who do not.
Stress: it interferes with hormones that produces sperm.
Obesity: Weight gain causes hormone changes that reduces sperm count.
Sitting for too long (Driving, Cycling):
Infection: STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, may interfere with production of semen and therefore block the passage of sperm due to the effect of the infection.
Food that Increases Sperm Count.


They have very high zinc content. Zinc prevents testosterone hormone from converting to estrogen which causes low sex drive, they also have protective properties in them that help keep free radicals from getting to the mans sperm. it is advised that you include beef in your diet frequently.


They are one of natures best antiseptics. when consumed (cooked or raw) they have the ability to increase the blood flow in the mans reproductive organ thereby improving the amount of sperm cells produced. Garlic also contains a compound called selenium whose major function is to prevent the damage of sperm cells and regulate hormones. Furthermore, garlic contains a chemical called allicin that helps to keep plaque from forming in the arteries of the male reproductive organ. Garlic is very medicinal and plays a very good role in improving sperm motility. its adviced that you chew a clove of garlic daily, drink garlic tea etc.


They are one of the worlds healthiest food. Bananas contain an enzyme known as bromelain. Bromelain helps in regulating sex hormones in the mans body, an increase in the sex hormones means more sex drive and vice versa. Bananas also contains other vitamin such as B1 (good for transport of energy), Vit A and Vit C which helps improve the stamina of the man and give the sperm cells strength.


This rich filled fruit contains one of the most important nutrient for fertility which is Vit E, a deficiency in vitamin E leads to a condition known as testicular tissue degeneration. Avocado contains antioxidants that helps the body fight off free radicals on sperm. It boosts the motility of sperm and gives it the needed strength to penetrate an egg.


They contain omega-3-fatty acid which main function is to increase blood flow. Also, arginine a chemical substance in walnut helps in boosting the overall semen volume, Walnuts also have very good antioxidants which helps the body in fighting free radicals.
Recommended: Eat walnuts daily.

Nutritions plays a vital role in increasing the overall sperm count of a man, you should therefore pay close attention to what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat.


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