WT.....South African Pastor Lesego Daniel Makes Church Members Drink Petrol(VIDEO)

Y'all remember Pastor Lesego Daniel who once made his congregation eat grass, now he has made them drink petrol!

During the Sunday service on the 31st of August 2014, the 'man of God', Lesego Daniel, prayed for a bottle containing petrol to be turned to pineapple juice. He then offered it to his church members who clamoured desperately to have a drink of the petrol as the pastor preached and encouraged them. Video is after the cut. Members of the church exclaimed how "sweet" and "nice" it tastes,
comparing it to "Iron Brew" and "pineapple juice". A couple of them even begged the pastor to "please give us some more". Watch the shocking video below - the action starts at 04:50

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