NOW ITS OVER,WHAT'S NEXT? - Article By PetersonConsultant

The basic truth is on average everybody experience this inborn desire to communicate with a handful of people  and commit to one person in a union which is the everyday relationship we know. Its kind of inborn (nature) and partly influenced by our environment especially our peers,upbringing,

social media(nurture). So therefore we can come to a logical conclusion that being in a relationship is as a result of nature/nurtures factors. But if you will agree with me every relation can only work when the two parties involved are on thesame page, owing to the fact that no two humans are thesame hence disagreement is certain,some we go through and some goes through us which brings us to the fact that there is that particular point in every relationship that if we cant contain consume our desire for each other thus leaving us with expressions like why did he breakup with me,why did she breakup with me etc. Putting all these together this write up seeks to give a negative approach which is after BREAKUP. Breakup isn't just a word because it goes beyond just saying or telling,its a phrase when experienced leaves you lifeless for quite a while. It drains your emotions,morals,guts etc. More than often it leaves you with questions like where did I fail,thought he loved me,how did I missed it,most times we even go as far as questioning God.     

     The way we attend to these questions depends on our person and personality. Talking about person and personality person covers the aspect of self worth,self esteem,how do we worth ourselves,how do we perceive our self? Do I have to fight over him?am beautiful,though its over but am sure I will get someone better.. Personality(introvert/extrovert) I have a introvert personality which means am all restricting,I hardly get along,I barely make friends so am not sure I can have another,I am that perfect definition of being extrovert so am sure I will get along and meet someone soon (which is a problem with quite a number of heart broken peeps so eager to move on without clearly defining our lapses in our past relationship). A relationship is like a moving vehicle when you start experiencing fuel,oil shortage it significantly mean that your relationship is on the rocks and when you don't get fuel or change oil you definitely expect some engine malfunction which when transcribed in our relationship means you've been too busy doing other things rather than tending to your relationship,you didn't get fuel,oil or service the engine. Finally the car breaks down you are left with three options either you fix the car,you let go and walk away or you go get another,let's correlate this again,your relationship is finally down its either you fix it,let go(stay single) or get another partner. At this juncture let's link it all to the topic and accepting the fate that its over,you tried fixing it but it wasn't working out so the bottom line there is a breakup finally,now the question pops in NOW ITS OVER WHAT NEXT? 

    This very question I have always told friends and client to handle with utmost care while deciding,still getting illustrations from the car. Your car is finally down do you just leave it and walk away,people will ask questions like where is your car?,some will feel sorry and console you,some will make jest,while some will want to help you get it back on track.(Now peeps that ask questions are peeps that always had their eyes on you and knew you are in a relationship,the ones that consoles you and yet do nothing are peeps that just don't want to be on your black list so they console and walk away,the ones that makes jest are haters that had always envied your union,the ones that want to help you get it back on track are peeps that would want to talk to your partner to come back). Like I said earlier "whats next" question shouldn't involve a quick move on,NO. Rather the "whats next"question should be handled this way,first,know what caused your car breakdown,is it oil,fuel,radiator,gearbox etc. So you should ask question know why he or she left do a mind recess reminisce those times he got angry at you,why was she angry?was I selfish,was I too busy,was I autocratic,was I caring,was I lazy etc these are questions you ask yourself and at the end of the day put them together come to a reasonable conclusion define crystal clear where you must have lost it,why it must have gone wrong(most times you 'll need friends,parent,

pastors,or professionals like psychologist,
counselors etc to help you see through the dark with eye opening questions). Then the next step is you working on those deficiency you've pointed out in your attitude,take your time and sort you first after which you come to a conclusion if you want to move on or stay single.

    In a nutshell the article draws our attention to the fact that we don't always have to lie fallow,sobbing,hating on ourselves,swearing and wishing and most times giving consent to a new relationship without sorting our past or cleaning up the mess,you only end up in a rebound(which is suffering from thesame fate as you did in your past relationship)which is time wasting,rather we should go that extra miles to handle us first before stepping out of our past.(When your car is bad try fixing and when you can't put your stuffs together and walk along,normally some peeps will wave for favor,which they will get but often they get into the wrong ride,just keep walking it only gets you closer to your destination that perfect ride will definitely showup). Don't try to go around it best you go through it just then you will learn and stand better on quicksand when next you meet one.

Please note: this write up is open to contributions and suggestions incase we missed out.

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