I've had sex With 100 Female Corpses - Man confesses

 SHOCKER! Man Confesses To Having S*x With 100 Female Corpses

A morgue attendant has admitted to having s*x with up to 100 corpses. Kenneth Douglas, a 60-year-old Ohio resident, said he had s*x with the corpses between 1976 and 1992 while working the night shift. Douglas was convicted of gross corpse abuse in 2008 after admitting to having s*x with the corpse of a 19-year-old woman who had been murdered and nearly decapitated in 1991. In 2012, Douglas admitted to having s*x with two more corpses. In the case of another mur'der victim, Douglas said he had s*x with her corpse the day she was killed. According to NY daily news,In his deposition as part of a lawsuit against Hamilton County, Douglas admitted to being drunk and on dru.gs while committing the crimes. "I would just get on top of them and pull my pants down. If I hadn't had anything to drink when I went to work, it wouldn't happen,"I would do crack and go in and drink and go in." His crimes were first revealed when DNA connected him to semen found in one of his victims in 2008. The woman's killer, David Steffan, admitted killing the woman but denied rapi'ng her.

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