Doctors Magazine Is Now On The Stands

Doctors and other professionals in the medical practice have for long been under-celebrated and at best under-reported in the area of glitz, glamour and lifestyle.

More than a few unversed are known to conclude from these state of affairs that these professionals belong to such prehistoric era that excludes them from appreciating life like their counterparts in other industries.

DOCTORS MAGAZINE! Is a lifestyle magazine centering on professionals in the Medical Industry offering smooth blend of everything you love. I.e. True Life Stories, Career, Finance, Events, Family, Fashion &Lifestyle + Great interviews and lots more.

With over 9000 print in circulation nationwide and boasting of a top of the line print quality and content, It promises to be a rewarding and refreshing closet for readers, stakeholders and businesses In the field of medical practice to relate and interact on matters of mutual interest.

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