New York Surly Has No Love For Kanye West And Kim Kardashian

They should just let these couples be nah...While other newspapers congratulated Kim and Kanye on their recent union,The NY Post  made ridicule of Kanye West. The NY Sports took out an ad post that says:

"Kanye, stay in shape. The last guy only lasted 72days.Last longer than a Hollywood marriage". 
While NY post published a post of Kim and Kanye with head title:  Two jackass that got married
"Two jackasses got married in Italy Saturday," the NY Post noted in an urgent alert in the print edition on Monday. The report continued: "Sex-tape star Kim Kardashian, 33, wed egotist Kanye West, 36, in a wedding opulent enough for Florence's Medici dynasty and tacky enough for reality TV."

Funny enough many people reacted positively to the NY post on twitter. A twitter users tweeted:  "the best article ever published."

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