“Show Us Pictures Of The Rescued 200 Girls & 93 Women” -- Borno Elders Tackle Military

The announcement by the Nigerian Military that 200 girls and 93 women have been rescued from Sambisa Forest has elicited excitement all over Nigeria but the Borno Elders' Forum see things differently. 

Speaking to Reuters, Bulama Mali Gubio,a spokesman for the Borno Elders' Forum, said the elders are skeptical about this development.

In his words," "If the soldiers have indeed rescued 200 girls and 93 women then they should show them. When [Abubakar] Shekau [Boko Haram's apparent leader] kidnapped the Chibok girls he released video footage for everyone to see — this is the age of modern technology. Whether these are the same girls or not, people will be skeptical until they see their pictures on the news."

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