UNICEF Says 100 Million Nigerians Lack Access To Toilet.

**Letter From me to God
Dear baba in heaven kindly HELP our dear Country "Nigeria". It really high time you intervene all these stories are really irritatingly depressing + please make me extremely RICH so I could Help as many people as possible. So help me God AMEN!

The United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) on Monday in Abuja revealed that about 100 million Nigerians lack access to toilet facilities. The UN body said the situation is responsible for the increase in the spread of diseases in the country.

According to the UNICEF Chief Sanitary, Water and Hygiene Officer, Kannan Nadar, who described the situation as critical said in 2013 alone, 124 deaths and 2,771 cases of cholera epidemics was reported.

"Nigeria has about 100 million people without access to toilets, this is worrisome, as it is possible for everyone to own toilet. It doesn't cost much.Sanitation and toilets are fundamental human rights. Since it is possible for everyone to own toilet, it is not justified for people to die of diseases related infections due to open defecation," 

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