5 super hilarious Hausa proverbs and their meaning

Hausa's are counted among the three most prominent tribes in Nigeria and they occupy the middle-belt to northern regions of the country.

Like other tribes, Hausas have a rich culture and unique traditions. They also have certain wise sayings drawn from the rich experiences of their daily lives. While these proverbs which have been passed down from one generation to the other offers great insight, some of them are also hilarious and bring a smile to the face of the listener.
Jovago.com, Africa’s No.1 online hotel booking site has selected a delightful number of these proverbs in the hope that you will not only see a different side of the Hausaswhenever you travel north or pay them a visit, but will also have a exciting time reading through them:
Idan dei a chini ba a seyer ba, kaza ta fi doki
Translation: If it is a matter of eating and not of selling, then the hen is better than a horse.
Meaning:  Everything is unique and has its own peculiar uses.
Fawa biu tana bata hankali’n kuda
Translation: Two pieces of meat confuse the mind of the fly.
Meaning:  When you have too many options, there is a high chance you will hesitate
Makafo ya rassa ido, ya che ido na wari
Translation: The blind man lacks eyes, he says eyes stink.
Meaning: You cannot appreciate what you do not have.
Mai akwia ya yi taffia derri, bale mai kua
Translation: If the owner of a goat is not afraid to travel by night, why should the owner of a hyena be (seeing that night is the usual time for a hyena to move about).
Meaning: Sometimes the danger we find ourselves in is of our own doing.
Na Ma’azu kasshi’n shanu
Translation: The Nupes are like cow’s dung- they are so deceitful (Cow’s dung which has been exposed to the air has a hard outside and a soft inside)
Meaning: The manner of a Nupe is sincere while his heart is false.

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