INEC Time Table and Schedule of Activities for General Elections ,2015

 The tenure of office of the President, Vice President, Governors and Deputy Governors of all the States of the Federation except Anambra, Bayelsa, Kogi, Edo, Ondo, Ekiti and Osun States and the membership of the National and State Assemblies will expire on the 28th day of May, 2015. Consequently, the earliest date for the elections into the offices shall be 29th December 2014 and the latest day for election shall be 28th day of April 2015.

By virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) elections into the said offices shall not hold earlier than One Hundred and Fifty (150) days and not later than Thirty (30) days before the expiration of the term of office of the last holder. The Commission is by virtue of Section 30 (1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) expected to issue Notice for the elections not later than Ninety (90) days before the date of the election. The implication of the above provisions is stated below.
In exercise of the powers of the powers conferred on the Independent National Electoral Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") by the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) and of all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Commission hereby issues this Time Table and Schedule of Activities for General Elections, 2015.

1Name of election1st October 2014Section 30(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) provides no later than 90 days before the election.
2.Commencement of campaign by political parties.Presidential and National Assembly-16th November, 2014
Governorship and State House of Assembly-30th November, 2014
Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended) provides 90 days before polling day.
3Collection of Forms for all elections by Political Parties4th-11th November, 2014For Political Parties to issue to their candidates at INEC Headquarters.
4.Conduct of Party primaries including resolution of disputes arising from the Primaries.Commencement date 
2nd October 2014
11th December, 2014
To enable Political Parties democratically nominate candidates for the election as required by Section 87 of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended)
5Last day of submission of Forms CF001 and CF002 at the INEC Headquarters (for all elections).Presidential and National Assembly-18th December, 2014
Governorship and State House of Assembly -25th December, 2014
Section 31 (1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) provides for not later than 60 days before the election.
6Publication of Personal Particulars of Candidates (CF001) (for all elections)Presidential and National Assembly-25th December, 2014
Governorship and State House of Assembly- 1st January, 2015
Section 31(3) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) provides for publication within 7 days of the receipt of the Form CF001
7Last day of withdrawal by candidate(s) replacement of withdrawn candidate(s) by Political parties.Presidential and National Assembly -30th December, 2014
Governorship and State House of Assembly-13th January, 2015
Section 35 of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) provides for not later than 45 days before the election.
8Last day for the submission of Nomination forms by Political Parties.Presidential and National Assembly -6th January, 2015
Governorship and State House of Assembly -20th January, 2015
Section 32,37,38,39 of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended). Commission to appoint time for submission.
9Publication of official Register of voters for the election.13th January, 2015Section 30 of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) provides not later than 30 days before the election.
10Publication of list of nominated candidates.Presidential and National Assembly-13th January, 2015
Governorship and State House of Assembly -27th January, 2015
Section 34 of the Election Act, 2010 (as amended) provides at least 30 days before the day of the election.
11Publication of Notice of Poll
(for all elections)

   28th January, 2015
Section 46 of the Electoral Act, 2010  (as amended) provides not later than 14 days before the election.
12Submission of names of Party Agents for the Election to the Electoral Officer of the Local Government Areas or Area Council.Presidential and National Assembly-29th January, 2015
Governorship and State House of Assembly-12th February, 2015
Section 45 of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) Provides not later than 7 days before the election.
13.Last day for campaignsPresidential and National Assembly-12th February, 2015
Governorship and State House of Assembly -26th February, 2015
Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as amended) prohibits Advertisements or broadcasts of campaigns 24 hours prior to the day of the election.
14Dates of Elections
Governorship/State House of Assembly
Presidential and National Assembly- 14th February, 2015
Governorship and State House of Assembly-28th February, 2015
Section 25 of the Electoral Act, 2010   (as amended) provides that the Commission is to appoint a date not earlier than 150 days but not later than 30 days before the expiration of the term of office of the last holder of that office.
Note: (i) Run off election to the office of the President or Governor of a State (if any) will be held within 7 days after the announcement of the result of the election in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).

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