Combating Corruption | Buhari's Mission for Nigeria

Corruption | Buhari's Mission for Nigeria

Buhari won the election by 2.57 million votes official results showed today, defeating incumbent Jonathan in a close fought race. Muhammadu Buhari has pledge to combat corruption in Nigeria and lower it to Zero by undertaking the following task:

· Publicly declare my assets and liabilities and encourage my political appointees to also publicly declare their assets and liabilities.

· Affirm that our strategy for tackling corruption will not only focus on punishment. Rather, it will also provide incentives for disclosure and transparency.

· Show personal leadership in the war against corruption and also hold all the people who work with me to account.

· Inaugurate the National Council on Procurement as stipulated in the Procurement Act so that the Federal Executive Council, which has been turned to a weekly session of contract bazaar, will concentrate on its principal function of policy making.

· Review and implement audit recommendations by Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI).

· Work with the National Assembly towards the immediate enactment of a Whistle Blower Act.

· Work with the National Assembly to strengthen ICPC and EFCC by guaranteeing institutional autonomy including financial and prosecutorial independence and security of tenure of officials.

· Make the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) an autonomous and operational agency.

· Encourage proactive disclosure of information by government institutions in the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act.

· Ensure all MDAs regularly comply with their accountability responsibilities to Nigerians through the National Assembly.

· Work with the leadership of the National Assembly to cut down the cost of governance.

· Present a national anti-corruption Strategy.

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